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Turnover Certificate with UDIN

It is being observed that certain unscrupulous individuals are forging signatures while posing as Chartered Accountants to issue certificates and other such documents with the intent of misleading the authorities. In view of the above, the Institute of Chartered Accountants of India (ICAI), has developed a method of securing the documents issued by a Chartered Accountant by issuing a Unique Document Identification Number (UDIN).

    What is UDIN?

    It is a unique number generated on the UDIN portal for every certificate and other such documents that have been attested by a Chartered Accountant who’ve registered themselves on the portal.

    What is the format of UDIN?

    The UDIN would be a 15-digit number generated in the following format:

    • The first 6 digits would be the Membership Registration Number of the Chartered Accountant.
    • The next 6 digits would be the date of issuance of a certificate in DD/MM/YYYY format and
    • The last 3 digits would be the serial number of the document as generated by the UDIN portal.

    UDIN Verification

    As discussed earlier, the UDIN is an initiative taken by ICAI in an effort to curb misrepresentation by third persons posing as Chartered Accountants who forge signatures on documents to mislead authorities.
    With the UDIN, the respective authorities such as banks, RBI, Income Tax Department, etc. can check the validity of the documents issued by the Chartered Accountant. Since the UDIN can be generated by the Chartered Accountants only via the UDIN portal, the validity of the attested document can be checked by using its UDIN. The document can also be found by using the Firm Registration Number (FRN), Client Reference Code, Date of Document, etc. through the UDIN portal.

    Verification of Documents using UDIN

    Once a UDIN for a particular document has been generated, the details of the document corresponding with the UDIN cannot be modified in any manner. However, there may be a situation where the document may either require certain changes or cancellation altogether. In such a situation, the UDIN may be revoked by searching for the document on the UDIN portal and clicking on ‘Revoke’. Note that a reason for revocation will need to be provided. If the UDIN is searched for in the future, it will still appear on the portal, but the same would be displayed as ‘Revoked’.

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